It is good for you to know that your calls, e-mails, meetings and correspondence are directly with Todd Schaus. There are no other professional or administrative personnel to cause confusion, overhead expense or duplication of work.
We use the worlds leading tax software and tax research library company. Our electronic office exists on multiple servers maintained by Thomson Reuters a company that is the worlds leader in supporting professional services. This electronic office is run on a platform called Software As A Service (SaaS), their security systems are far greater than anything I could achieve on my own, there are no paper files, no software updates for me to worry about, and permanent retention of all tax returns and working papers. I am also able to access my/your files from anywhere in the world where there is an internet connection.
Local CPA's typically come from a home grown background without the training ground and natural competition that comes from within medium to larger firms. I am appreciative of the high expectations, education, and level of quality that was engrained into my professional mindset by being part of these medium/larger firms for the initial part of my career.
I have furthered my education and technical expertise by obtaining a Masters in Taxation.