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Services for Individuals


At Todd A Schaus CPA, we know that an informed client is our best customer. And the Internet is a great education resource, with endless amounts of information just a click or two away.

But sometimes it's nice to have help sorting through the virtual noise and clutter, so we've selected a few helpful articles for you to view. Check back often, for all the latest information on ways to manage your business and personal financial needs more effectively.

Just click on the newsletter titles below to download the complete newsletter.

  Plug-in Electric Vehicle Credit

Electric-powered vehicles are receiving a great deal of attention lately because of the high cost of gasoline. These vehicles should be available to consumers for purchase within the next few years.

  Are You a Business Owner or Hobbyist?

Many of us would like to turn our hobby into a regular business. That's fine as long as the business turns a profit. And, it may be fine as well if the business produces a loss and you enjoy the activity; even better if the loss can offset income from your day job.

  Compiling Your Vital Records

As your personal, financial, and legal records have grown in volume and importance over the years, the task of organizing such documents may seem overwhelming. And yet the importance of having your vital records readily accessible cannot be over-emphasized.

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