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Todd is extremely helpful all year long with my personal tax return. He is happy to explain tax rules in several different ways, ...more 
Ben Jones
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Getting Started/How It Works

I offer free initial meetings and look forward to potential clients coming in ready to put my knowledge to the test with their questions and issues.  The best scenario is for a potential individual or business client to have provided the most recent historical tax returns prior to the meeting so I can review for ideas and issues.  Although it is very possible to use email, regular mail, FAX's and phone calls to communicate and correspond information and necessary documentation it is my preference to initially meet with clients face to face.  Following the initial meeting a standard engagement letter would be created and forwarded to articulate responsibilities, services, and estimated fees.

A common inquiry for potential clients is how are miscellaneous questions handled throughout the year.  While nothing is set in stone I am generally glad to answer most generic questions without creating any bill.  I want to create long term relationships and small bills do not serve this purpose.

Ongoing individual clients will receive a tax organizer each year during January via email.  The expectation is that the client fills this out to the best of their ability and provides all the relevant supporting documentation in an organized fashion.  All relevant documents that are provided become a part of a scanned electronic file that is permanently saved as part of my working papers, these documents are all returned.

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